Category: Travels

Life outside of your comfort zone..

7 years ago today, I took the leap and headed off into the unknown.. At the time, people thought I was insane. They told me that there was no way I could travel with...

Takarakka – Canarvon Gorge

Well, our time at Carnarvon Gorge has come to an end!  We were both looking forward to visiting the gorge, it certainly was everything we’d hoped for and more! I don’t usually write “travel...

The truth about budget travel…

Ever wondered what the WORST part of travelling is?! Can the worst things also be the best things?! Living in a box on wheels comes with its own unique challenges. Sure, there are plenty...

Value each and every day…

Despite all of our adventures and all the memories we’ve made, I think that in 10 years, it’ll be our morning “cuddle shop” that I remember the most.. For as long as I can...

Rock climbing!

See the tiny little spec at the top of that massive rock wall? Yep, that’s Jaiden! For years now I have encouraged Jaiden to push his own limits. To now be at a point...